Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's been a long time

Hey All,

I know, I have been really bad about posting since I got back here! Last week I had a few crazy days at the office, but have really been enjoying the long weekend (Good Friday is a national holiday here, so no work for me)! I was originally hoping to get out of town for the weekend, but I just waited too long, so that didn't end up happening. I did end up having a really great time, though!

Friday, I got out to the Vasa museum with a co-worker and his girlfriend who is out here visiting for the weekend. Very cool museum; probably one of the best I have been to, ever.

Friday night I met a fellow Sigma Chi in the executive lounge of the Hilton. We called up some friends of mine and hit the town. Ashleigh can verify that I did, indeed, have far too much to drink since she was the unfortunate recipient of my drunk dialing... Or, so she tells me... :) Last night, I headed out to a friends apartment and played a little beer pong - ah, to be back in college! It was almost your typical frat guy weekend. Today I am staying in, getting some homework done, and looking at the -6 degree sign that has been steadily falling for the last couple days. I am hoping that this is just the final cold spell before spring comes...

Speaking of colds, I have had a miserable one for the last week. I think it might have something to do with having spent over 30 hours on airplanes in 5 days, drinking heavily and sleeping only when there was a free moment. But, the fellow Sig leaves tomorrow morning, so my liver will have plenty of time to recover. This coming weekend I'll be staying in Stockholm and working all weekend, so there won't be much partying. The weekend after that (April 4-6), I am going to meet up with one of Adam's college friends in Amsterdam. Should be a good time!


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