Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tallinn, Estonia

Hej All,

Just got back from a great weekend in Tallinn, Estonia. Very cool little town that often gets called a "Medieval Vegas". The sites worth seeing there are all old buildings, churches, etc, just like in the rest of Europe, but Tallinn definitely has a better preserved medieval feeling to it. I highly recommend the city to anyone interested in the middle ages! On top of that, it does have casinos and an amazing night life. I didn't gamble on this trip, but I did check out a couple of the night clubs - Friday night we didn't leave the last club until about 4 AM, and Saturday night I called it quits "early" at 2 AM.

Here are a few pictures and some video from the trip...

This is the outdoor concert hall. There is a choral concert and festival held hear every 5 years that involves 30,000 singers. All at once. The "stage" is a massive choral bench. The lawn in front is where the festival attendees sit and stand, and has held as many as 300,000 people at a time.

Here's the Russian Orthodox Church - quite spectacular.

Just a panoramic view of the city.

Finally, here's an Estonian hip hop group that played at the club on Friday night. They didn't start their first set until 2:30 AM. The sound quality is pretty bad (sorry, my camera isn't great at videos), but the group was really good.

On Friday I am meeting Ashleigh in Paris, which should be a really good time!

Later all,



Christine Spencer said...

Rap in Estonian. Awesome!!

doublefire12 said...

wo dat's awsome ^^